Published 8 years ago

overall attitude and service

When I first visited Kia i picked up brochures and was not given any kind of a sales pitch. Next time i went in with friends who had bought a Kia the year before I was so impressed with the people who dealt with me. Why? Because unlike many dealerships they addressed all comments and questions to me the potential buyer, not the male companion who was with me. So many dealerships talked to the man with me, even t hough the decisions and money were mine alone. Since then all dealings have been very respectful, did not make me feel like a silly "old" woman. I am certainly old and some of my questions about technology must have sounded incredibly silly to the young men in the show room, but each time i was very respectfully addressed, my questions answered and help provided in the car if necessary. I actually enjoy visiting Kia but certainly do not have to go -- the car keeps humming along beautifully.

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