Published 7 years ago

Buy back

I bought another make of vehicle and one of your salesman had the car evaluated and offered me 10,000$. I had agreed but my new car was delayed for 2weeks and for 2 weeks the KIA was parked in the garage to avoid potential damage. To avoid additional mileage. I had made arrangement to travel with my wife to work which was really not accommodating for us due to our different start and finish work times. So when my new vehicle arrived to pick up , another appointment was made during my work hours at your dealer to re-evaluted the car. To make a long story short, ended up being offered 5500$ due to the car history. This was a waste of my time. So i find before offering an amount in a buy back vehicle, your employees should assess and be straight out with their customer and do theirs work professionally. Shouldn't the car history have been considered at the first appointment when the salesman originally offered $10,000?? Not impressed how all this went down. Chances are that I'll never be back, buy a vehicle at your dealer nor will i recommend your dealership.

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