Published 7 years ago

Felt like I was being treated like a liar.

I scheduled an appointment for 7:30am to get my tires changed and an oil change. I mentioned that I was waiting for my vehicle and that I believed it would be ready in 1 hour as it was done in the past. The clerk told me that it wasn't possible that it would take a couple of hours. I was not happy I did not have that much time to wait. I told him that it was done in the past and he continued to say it was not possible. I felt like he was calling me a liar. My car was ready in 1 hour approximately but it took him 10 minutes before I got my key back. I book my appointments first thing in the morning to be the first vehicle to be worked on and get back to work I was the only customer waiting for his car so I don't see why he didn't put the effort in to satisfying my request. I usually always get great service but this time I was disappointed.

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