Published 7 years ago

To change a tire it took them 1hour and 45 minutes.

I got a flat tire over two weeks ago. I tried the repair kit I received with my new SUV. It didn't work so I got my vehicle toe to dealer. They temporary fix the tire and order me a new one.After two weeks I phone to check if my tire came in. There was no work order, the Parts department could not even see one on order. After a few minute he told me there was a tire, so I book an appointment to have my tire changed. I then ask for a new repair kit to the replace to one I had that did not work. The chemical went into the tire but nothing happened it was defective. I now have to replace the one that you people gave that didn't work for a cost of over 100.00 dollars. This is wrong. The price of equipment that came with my car didn't work. Why should I have to pay for another one.

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