236 reviews on ReviewsiiTM
Latest review 1 decade ago

Normand Ward

Sales Associate at Moncton Honda
Excellent 4.9
I am originally from a small island off the coast of Northern New Brunswick called Miscou. To date I have had a career in the car business that spans 20 years, and 13 years of that time has been spent with Moncton Honda. I still enjoy every day. For the past 13 years in a row I have achieved a place within the Honda Council of Sales Leadership, which is awarded for high customer satisfaction, completing all Honda training, and achieving a high numb... Read more I am originally from a small island off the coast of Northern New Brunswick called Miscou. To date I have had a career in the car business that spans 20 years, and 13 years of that time has been spent with Moncton Honda. I still enjoy every day. For the past 13 years in a row I have achieved a place within the Honda Council of Sales Leadership, which is awarded for high customer satisfaction, completing all Honda training, and achieving a high number of total sales. For the past three years I have also been the top sales person for Honda in all of Atlantic Canada. What I love about the car business is that since I am a true “people person”, my career allows me to meet and get to know so many interesting people. I was a part time firefighter years ago and if I couldn’t be in the car business that would have been a job I would have loved to do as well. I am a very lucky family man who is happily married with a beautiful wife and 3 wonderful kids. We have a small Havanese dog that definitely adds to our lives as well. I love working out, and I do weights and cardio several days a week. I also started playing music last year (percussion mostly) and I find it is an amazing and enjoyable hobby. I am completely bi-lingual and look forward to serving you in either French or English as you prefer. Je suis bilingue et j’aimerias avoir la chance de vous servire dans votre language préféré, soit francais ou anglais.

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Verified Customer
1 decade ago

Norm was very professional and very pleasant to deal with.

Norm listen to what I needed and car to that. He explained the features of the car as well as the warranty coverage and add ons that where needed.

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Verified Customer
1 decade ago

En général, j'ai eu une très bonne expérience et j'en suis très satisfaite.

-bon service offert -bon service à la clientèle -le service s'est faite d'un bon délai approprié -service amical et accueillant -en gros, je suis très contente avec tout

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Verified Customer
1 decade ago

Tres satisfait du service obtenu de Norman Ward et de Moncton Honda

Je suis tres satisfait du service obtenu de notre vendeur a l'achat de notre 2012 Honda Pilot en 2014. Comme toujours (deja notre 6ieme honda vendu par Norman) Norman a fait un travail exeptionnel et nous a donne un excellent service.

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Verified Customer
1 decade ago

toujours un excellent service avec un sourire ...

Norman est toujours très désireux d'aider ses clients. Nous avons loué trois voitures de lui et nous serons la location d'un 4ème sous peu. Il est toujours honnête au sujet de ce qu'il ressent est une bonne affaire et nous apprécions son honnêteté

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Verified Customer
1 decade ago

Buying process was quick and easy, price better then I had hoped!

Excellent service. Came to Moncton Honda from another city in N.B. wondering about this dealership's pricing. Was more then excited to see what I was offered. Got the exact same car with an extended warranty for less then what my local dealership was offering ( without extended warranty ).

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