Published 10 years ago

Service and Caring - Second to NONE!

I bought my second car from Georgian Chevrolet about 2 months ago, and my experience with them throughout both purchases and through all of my service interactions with them for the past 3 years is that their customer service is absolutely fantastic!! I was in an accident in January 2015. I called their service department the next morning to get a recommendation for the best and most trustworthy body shop to deal with and they recommended a local business who were both honest and helpful. Then the salesman I dealt with in 2012 called me to let me know that my insurance company was asking for pricing for a replacement vehicle for me. His main concern was that I was ok (and yes, I was just fine). He kept me informed about the replacement quotation process with the insurance company and gave me several critical tips about paperwork to keep copies of, when I would have to return my replacement rental vehicle, etc. He did all of this over several days, even though we didn't know for sure whether the old vehicle would be repaired or replaced. He also started right away looking for a replacement car for me that had all of my requirements so that in case my vehicle was written off, I wouldn't have to wait without a vehicle until the new car would be there and ready for me. --- #1 - THEY CARE. #2 - they are PROACTIVELY HELPFUL, even when there might not even be a sale in it for them. Finding quality companies like this to deal with is such a blessing. Thank you Georgian Chevrolet!!!!!

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