Published 9 years ago

Sales Rep was fantastic and genuinely nice

I went in to Bank St. Kia shopping around for a new car, alone without my husband as he hates car shopping. My family has bought several cars from that dealership, 3 in the last year, and suggested I go see this particular dealership and deal with Ralph the Finance Guy. Upon arrival, I was immediately greeted by Victor, the Sales Rep, and we looked at several models based on what I was looking for and by price point. I was treated with respect and spoken to honesty. Finally someone who took the time to speak to me about the car and not the fact that it has vanity mirrors... I gathered my information and after 2 weeks of shopping around to various dealerships such as: Chevrolet, Hyundai, Honda and Ford; my husband and I decided that we would venture in the foreign car market and buy a NEW Kia Forte LX+. So I called Ralph to make the deal. Victor and Ralph were very patient and worked together to get us the car I wanted and at the price I could honestly afford. Their honesty was very much appreciated, which proved that they were not in it just for the commission and therefor cemented my decision to purchase from them. Seeing that I am in sales as well, I don't buy just because of the product but because of the rapport with the company as it shows me the integrity of the person. Victor and Ralph were an integral part of my decision. All in all I am very happy with my purchase decision and love the car. BUT....there was only one bad taste in my mouth Negative: This particular dealership was conducting a Sales Promotion as advertised on their website, media and radio promoting the "Giveaway" of 3 items with EVERY car purchased (a 50' TV, a Sound Bar AND a Samsung Tablet)...I was then informed that the Sales Manager indicated that I was not eligible to get the prizes as I was getting a "Good Deal" on the car and used the $1000 off coupon provided by them on their website. Their was no such disclaimer on their website stating that the prizes were to be given to only customers paying FULL MSRP. I discussed this advertising and lack of disclaimer with the Sales Manager. He authorized Ralph to give me the TV. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that I at least got the TV but it left me to question the integrity of their sales tactics and their knowledge of Consumer Protection Laws. I did get the TV upon the delivery of the car and it made my family very happy ..It was not so much about the items but more the principal of the matter. Clearly I did not let this affect my decision to purchase from them and the rest of my experience was superb and well above my expectation. I must re-iterate that I am extremely happy with the purchase and would recommend others to purchase from this dealership as I will again the next couple years. Thanks Victor and Ralph for everything you did.

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