Published 9 years ago

Lack of attention to details

I bought a used 2013 Optima EX from Bank Street Kia and part of the deal was to have the front bumper replaced due to a 2 foot long split. The appointment was made and they held the car for 4 days to get the work done. When I was called to pick up the car I gave it a look over like any owner would and noticed several black plastic/rubber scuff marks all over the hood and front bumper skin and a ding on my hood that looks like it was touched up with a paint pen. with some rubbing I managed to get all the black off. Then I opened the driver side door to find the floor mat (new and black) covered in a thick layer of mud. The Service team lacks attention to detail and respect for other peoples property. The work they did on the bumper skin replacement was good but not cleaning the finished product was completely unacceptable. When you bring your car into any shop, it should leave in as good or better condition. It is those little details that make a happy and repeat customer. For that reason I will only give a 2 star review.

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