Published 9 years ago

Overall I loved every minute of college.

I would like to say that the last week of classes was the worst. During the year we had Resume prep classes. I submitted mine there were no correction or issues. The final week of classes was portfolio completion. During this time I was told that my resume was not acceptable?? When asked how to correct it, the instructor provided no help. They did not know how to space my resume or make corrections?? I never missed one day of class during my whole time of study. I had to go to the job support center that assisted with resumes to get proper help. I took a day from class to so this. My instructor then wanted to deduct marks for missing class. I had to explain that they were not helpful at all on the subject for resumes and that I needed to go to a place that would help me. Upon review of my updated resume the instructor determined that I would not be deducted marks. Because of that one week I feel that the program should make changes with that part of the program. You should reach out to Job junction in Halifax NS for assistances. They specialize in resumes and interviewing. They would be an excellent addition to your college.

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