Published 9 years ago

Waste of money

My Instructor wasn't qualified to teach the courses he was being paid to train. He gambled during class on poker. He read directly from the book and was a poor reader. He was not able to train. I paid Eastern College to train me, not put me in grade 6 school system with an instructor who would wing it and rely on the class to do his job. He gave wrong information and became unbearable to deal with when you corrected him. The class zoned out and mainly were on facebook and playing video games. He would ask for smokes from the class. He would be late constantly. He caused problems in my marriage as my wife was an employee by twisting things to make it appear like I was a problem. He screamed at me out of no where in front of the class for nothing, pounding his fist, and belittling me. The books had errors in them and after finding the correct info, i'd give it to the instructor (John Pickup). Days later i'd hear him working with other students with the same issue and i'd turn to him and say I just gave you the answer to that days ago (quite a few times). He would talk about all his life stories and jokes. To me he was a racist and I still have at least one email of him sending me a cartoon picture of the Muslim Adam and Eve. I am a Muslim myself and found it quite offensive. I could write a book on how awful a time I had. I had to keep a lot to myself because I didn't want my wife having any more stress then she had and then I had to suffer as I had to teach myself the whole course pretty much like others had to. I was already technically sound and could read instructions myself. I didn't need to pay 30,000 to do that. I could have done it all for free online and just went and got certified in all the courses I took. I even have a recording of him giving out exam answers in an email. I did well in marks. It took no effort to pass his test and the work was easy for me. I can't speak for others. It was the worst experience in my life as far as trying to improve my worth in the working world.
Felicia Mercier 9 years ago
Good afternoon Kenneth. Thank you for taking time to review Eastern College. I am sorry to hear that your experience with us was not one you would like to remember. We are always looking for ways to improve our course quality and student experience. Therefore if you have any further information you can share with me regarding your review I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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