Published 9 years ago

Unorganized and unnecessary.

First of all more almost all of the corses I took is not needed in a medical job or any administration job. The school was very unorganized an no one seemed to know what was going on. There was always some kind of fundraising going on at least once per week that required students to either bring in something to be sold for fundraising purposes or having to purchase something. It seemed the school was more interested in raising money to donate then they were in the students. There was no grad photos taken for students to purchase we were told of we wanted them done we would have to get them done ourselves. We also never had any graduating composite photo on the wall even though there was one from every year past. We were told employers were always coming into the school to hire people and there was always job fairs, there was 1job fair and 4 out of the 10 employers did not show up. The job placements were done last minute and some of my classmates did not know where they were going for their placement until the day before they were starting. I could go on for hours about all the problems with this school. A lot would need to be changed before I would reccomend this school.

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