Brett Huson
Published 9 years ago
Scheduling is a trouble
I would schedule services with GM more often if it wasn't so inconvenient and didn't impede on my schedule. I refuse to use vacation time to book an appointment. Most of the time, I'm either doing the service myself or getting it done with companies that work outside of the regular 9 to 5. Shuttle services aren't regularly scheduled, so there's no guarantee if you'll be waiting 5 minutes or half an hour. This time wasn't too bad as I waited 15 minutes to be shuttled.
Amber Waller
9 years ago
Thank you for your response . We do have Shuttle service beginning at 700 am Monday to Friday if that helps. We also offer discounted rental vehicles through Enterprise Car Rental as another option. Please let me know if there is any other way I can help you.
Kelly Scott
Service Manager
204-261-6200 ext212