Published 9 years ago

Terrible Customer Service

As for a quote last Saturday at 9:30 am for new winter tires and steel rims. Car was bought at Nurse so they should know what was needed. I was told they'd call back in a hour. After 3 hrs I called and was told part department did not have the quote and they would call me. Called on Tuesday at 4:30 pm and told quote still not ready and would get back to me today (Wednesday). I cannot understand in a world of computes why this would take so long. I can understand a couple of hour and if really busy maybe a 1/2 day, but it should not take 5 days to get a simple quote for something that should be standard. Have decided to take my business elsewhere. If you want something done in timely fashion, don't count on Nurse Service to do that for you.
Barbara Winter 9 years ago
Karen, We are very sorry to hear about your recent experience and the delay in providing the tire quote. Our Parts Manager has already reached out to you, but we did also want to communicate with you to let you know that we are reviewing the circumstances and process associated with the request so that we best serve our customers.

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