Published 9 years ago

A Colossal Waste of Time and Money

The curriculum is compiled by people who *know nothing* about IT. Why ask the instructors and the professionals looking for prospective employees what should be covered? The Instructors are forced to try to teach the students all the modules within an unreasonably short amount of time. The instructors have suffered just as much as the students have in what can only be described as a "gong show". I give great praise to the instructors who've been expected to make chicken soup out of the chicken droppings they were given. Several of the modules were intended for technicians who have a minimum of *five years* professional experience in System Administration. When we approached the "proper channels" regarding these concerns we were dismissively told to "just do your best". It also took us 7 months of constant fighting with the school and the owners to convince them that we needed computers that could actually use the software required to take the course without crashing. You read that right. 7 months. How did we complete our objectives? We had to improvise. Of course, those modules that we were struggling with were the ones we had *no business to be taking in the first place*. But what do I know? I was stupid enough to give them my money. My trainer for my placement looked at all of the modules I completed on my resume and asked how it could be that I learned all of the material in less than a year. I told him I didn't - "I just did my best". This school, now owned by TriOS, is nothing more than an investment property for the owner. Quality of education is not the goal of this organization. Preparing students for the world of work is not the goal of this organization. Taking the students money is the *ultimate* goal of of this organization. To add insult to injury, when we reported our concerns to a representative of New Brunswick's Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Dept, said representative could find nothing wrong with Eastern College's curriculum. Incompetence breeds incompetence,plain and simple. I am now 20,000 dollars in debt and desperately looking for labour work since I *don't qualify* for anything in the IT sector. I went to Eastern College to get our of the dead-end labour jobs, but thanks to the willful incompetence of TriOS , I get to go back there. I wish I could leave a nice "sunshine and rainbows" review that others leave, but I am too attached to reality. The entire Eastern College chain needs to be shut down and the assets liquidated to prevent them from further contaminating the rest of the civilized world.

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