Published 9 years ago


My purchasing experience with Eric was wonderful, he was great and very helpful with the process as I'm a first time car buyer. But the service department definitely needs some work in the customer service area. I made an appointment to have the tint on my windows redone (the car is only a month old and yes the tint needs to be redone) anyways the appointment was made a week in advance for 12 noon. They had told me that the job would take about 3 hours to redo the tint. Unfortunately I didn't have anyone to take me back home in the meantime so I decided to stay there and wait it out. I waited for over an hour for the service people to just take my keys, my car was parked in the same spot for over an hour before they took it. What's the point of an appointment then??? I'm livid because I had to wait 4 hours in that building to fix a problem that should definitely not have even happened in the first place. The lack of quality is very unimpressive and ectremely frustrating.

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