Published 8 years ago

Bought recently a Kia Rio 2013

3 weeks ago, My wife and I visited the Bank Street Kia looking for a used car. We loved the excellent service and Contact we ve got with KIA personnel, and Mr. Hamad Hamad in particular. When we arrived there, we were not even sur to purchase a car. The nice and interesting discussions we vot got with him, his Professionalism and his kindness along the whole process (from the moment of visiting the various cars, trying the car, .. to the finalization of the transaction) has motivated our decision to purchase the car. I have loved also the excellent service of IKA and in particular I would like to thank them for having completed all the required work (including Quebec certification) so I could have the car avec l'immatriculation du Quebec, le jour ou je suis venu chercher la voiture. We have been driving the car for 3 weeks and we are really very happy with the car and the great deal and Great Service we ve got with KIA. We bought this car for our daughter. But I am sure we will come back soon to replace our aging (8 years) Honda at IKA. Thanks again for the excellent service.

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