Published 1 decade ago

Customer dissatisfaction

A called the salesperson a couple of times . Told me he would call me back . Never did . I value your time . It's very disrespectful for not returning the phone calls . That are needed for customers appreciation . I was misusing a floor mat . When picked up the car . Told me he didn't have time to look for it . It's not about the mat . That I'm concerned . But it's the attitude towards customers satisfaction . This is my second car that I purchased from there . Most likely it will be my last one . Very dissapointed with the service . Thank you . Marcello
Mark Gibson 1 decade ago
Thank-you very much for taking the time to share your experience with us. We take your concerns very seriously. As a result of your concerns we have launched an immediate investigation and we assure you that we will correct them immediately. We have attempted to contact you over the weekend and will continue until we reach you. Once again thanks for your time and feedback.

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