Published 8 years ago

Beware of Manager

Very bad experience negotiating a price for a new KIA. One day after we left they called us to come back as we were $10 difference on the monthly payment of 60 months. We came back to agree to their price, but they said oh they made a mistake forgetting to add the floor mats, and now the price would be even higher by $9! So we said forget the mats. But then they reduced the price by only $3. Then they suggested to throw in the oil change for the life of the car just for another $10 after consulting with the manager. When we agreed to re-include the mats, the manager ran the numbers one more time and increased the price again by another $6! It was too much to deal with! Nickel and dime us and 3 times increasing the price after we agreed with the salesperson! It was frustrating and a waste of time. Never go back and we do not recommend them. Avoid the manager!

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