Published 8 years ago

Horrible experience

I test drove a used Kia. I was satisfied with the handling of the car when I test drove it. I came to a deal with the salesperson on a lower price than advertised. He originally didn't think the sales manager would approve but he came back and said that the sales manager agreed to it. I was excited and was asked to pay $500 to secure the deal. I was also ready to put down a fairly big downpayment. Once I get to the finance rep, the price is suddenly several thousand higher than what was offered to me and he says that he can't give me the price that I agreed to. He says that it was the "saleperson's mistake" to offer that price to me...but the sales manager agreed to that price...anyways, after wasting the whole afternoon there only to have them back down on their offer, I decide to walk away and ask for my $500 back. I'm told that he "can't refund me automatically" and that the earliest I can have my $500 back is Monday evening. So not only am I out of a car but the $500 that I put down for a car that I'm no longer purchasing is held up for 2 days for no real reason? Extremely dissatisfied with the service.

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