Published 8 years ago

Very bad customer service warranty means nothing

Had to fix most issues by myself covered undwr warranty like transmission jerking and info tainment system losing its climate control icons. The steering wheel has unsual wear and so does the morror but i cant bring it up because they still work even if they are under warranty and should be replaced. I had to argue for 5 days with one of your techs to change out the rad thermometer as they were testing a heating problem inside a heated buolding. Why did I buy a car with warranty if no parts are changed the dealership gets paid why cant they change out anything i feel is wrong???? Like the infotainment system complained 8 times and atill jothing fixed very upset with the warranty work not being done. After 8 times change the infotainment system i fee shy to bring any complainy now becAuse it will turn into another 5 days argument of me saying im not taking my car back untill this is fixed really 8 times the whole damn info tainment system should of been pulled and replaced as it is all under warranty i have been told to go out of the city for warranty
Jonathan Michell 7 years ago
Justin, I'm sorry you had a less than stellar experience with us. Please feel free to contact me at if you'd like to discuss this further! I hope we can win back your trust and respect in the future!

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