Published 7 years ago

Oil Change and Safety Inspection

Yes my car is 4 years old but it only has 30,000 KM's on it and outside of Honda I get it maintenanced. I took it to Honda for an Oil Change and MVI. They told me my back brakes were gone and $406.00 later it passed inspection. I get my tires changed every season and always ask about my brakes. Every time I was told "Tammy you only have 14,000 km's or 23,000 km's or whatever, you have not even broken them in yet." Also, I was told my front brakes would probably go first but here it is my back ones is what I needed to pass inspection." They said they were putting Honda parts on and they are more expensive but they last.. Obviously they don't last if they were wore out at 30,000 km's. I feel I was taken because I am female and probably wouldn't question it. I am questioning and I have talked to my personal mechanic. Either the brakes were faulty to begin with or they should not have worn out with 30,000 km's. Yes, I asked for my brakes back but who knows really, did they give my my brakes or someone else brakes. The $406.00 is highway robbery. If I had known what I know now I would have told Honda to put a rejection sticker on and I would have gone elsewhere. I would appreciate your input.
Kevin Brushett 7 years ago
Hi Tammy, Thank you for taking the time to write a review of your experience at Moncton Honda. We are sorry to hear that your experience was less than satisfactory. While you are correct in assuming that your brakes should have lasted more than 30,000kms it is important to note that this is provided that you perform the factory recommended maintenance. Our staff are very diligent in recommending that these services be carried out and according to your service history here at the dealership you had declined all of the recommended brake services. Not servicing your brakes greatly increases the likelihood of deterioration of the components causing them to require replacement or repair sooner than expected. We would not give you worn out parts from another customer's vehicle, we do not conduct business that way, we never have. Again, we apologize for not meeting your expectations, Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact our Service Manager, Kevin and he will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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