Published 7 years ago

Being a former Honda Salesperson for 24 yrs, the quality of service from Moncton Honda is 110%. Keep up the great work everyone. Remember being a team is the road to success!!!

John Brushett has to be very proud of his dealership and most of all his Staff. We have bought 4 top end vehicles in the last 2 years, and we have been treated with respect and integrity by Sales Manager Gerry Porter and Sales Representative Vince Vautour. Also, the parts and service Depts. are great with booking our appointments and checking up on us from time to time. My overall experience with Moncton Honda, is great so far. I will always buy Honda products because in my mind there is no other vehicle that compares with their product. I will be a lifetime buyer of vehicles from Moncton Honda as long as I am treated fairly and not lied to about anything pertaining to my vehicles. Thank You, Merrill Murray, Amherst, N.S.

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