Andre Branco
Published 7 years ago
Poor car condition
During the test drive I noticed several problems that seemed to me as brake/wheels related. The salesperson promised those problems would be fixed by the time the car was going to be delivered to me.
During the delivery I asked about the fixes and he confirmed: the car is fine.
While on low speeds it was better but when I got on Wheeler Dr I could feel the brakes and wheels vibrating. It was not OK. As I was concerned about my family safety, on the next day I took the car to another repair shop and they suggested me have all 4 wheels fixed and also the brakes.
I sent an email to the salesperson but he was not working that day and took a while to get back to me. By the time we spoke I had already fixed the car. As this was a brakes/wheel related problem I was fearing for my family safety.
It was expensive but the car is finally running as expected... I don't feel unsafe anymore