Katleen Davidson
Published 7 years ago
Brand New Chevy Nightmare
My son bought a brand new 2016 Chevy Malibu. The car has been a nightmare. It has had engine trouble since day one. I have found people with the same problem on the internet. The car goes from a driving speed of 80 km to 40 suddenly and will not gain speed. Engine light comes on and car looses power. Pretty scarey but on a highway it is dangerous and in a Manitoba winter it could turn deadly. Everytime we brought it to Murray they would say it was a new problem even though it is the same problem never properly fixed. Once the warranty was over due to high highway miles they charged over $250.00 to fix the same problem without fixing it again. Next time the car lost power. February 2018 and was returned to dealership Murray admitted it was a manufacturer defect. This time they fixed(?) it and returned the car only to have same problem within a month. My son has no faith in the car and will now be trying to contact Chevy, having your brand new car out of service every 3-4 months is not acceptable! This week he was told he will get a rental car covered by Chevy and then recieved a phone call saying the car they gave him at Murray is not covered because it is not a Chevy product. They gave him the rental car! The costs of the repairs,the cost of the rentals while they worked (and waited for parts) and time spent running back and forth has been very high. Given the poor product he has purchased and the poor service I would never recommend this dealership or repair sevice