Published 7 years ago

IT Administrattion

My experience at triOS College was a very positive one, in part because I knew what to expect from the school of Healthcare and Technology and Toronto City has to offer because I was conscious of how triOS College is different from other private colleges. You may find it easy to communicate and to connect with staffs and students. But, of course everyone must have the initiative to learn and take matters seriously. As an IT Professional, it is something that is new to my credentials. But, after completion of my course in IT Administration at triOS College, I now have a great confidence every time I do search for a job search, and be able to get an interview. Of course, with the help of my Instructors and Employment Specialist, as well. So, my advice to new students is to take full advantage of all the learning process, keep focus in your course of interest and develop in that area further with own initiative to grow, do volunteering and maintain a more positive outlook in life. Keep up the good work!

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