Published 6 years ago

Went in for $90 oil change (robbery), left with a $220 bill (plug & filters for a car exactly 1 yr old); why does this vehicle require TWO brake service appointments within 50 000km???

Please see the sentence above. Incredibly unimpressed with the extra 'necessary costs' involved with adhering to the maintenance schedule. Hard to understand or believe how a vehicle exactly ONE YEAR OLD could require a second costly brake service appointment before 50k. *Please Note* We do NOT live in North Bay so we don't drive on all of the 'crummy roads' that the service department claim are the cause of all the 'necessary extras'. I would have never purchased this vehicle had I known how much it would continually cost me to maintain it. Honestly, would not recommend, and truthfully, feel stuck with it. Cost/benefit analysis of owning this Mazda 3 is disappointing to say the least.

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