Published 7 years ago

Z-MAN is the man!

Let's be honest - and no offense, but car salesmen don't really have the best reputations. We've all heard of their sales tactics and most have experienced them first-hand, and if you're not the haggling type, negotiating can be a real pain and unpleasant experience. Of course Zarjan had to put a little pressure on to get the deal finalized, but I never felt like he was disingenuous and I never felt annoyed by the way he was talking to me. He was dressed presentably and humbly, and not showing off his bling nor walking around pretentiously, like the younger car salesmen often do, who maybe feel like they need to "walk the walk"; they may be nice guys, but certainly don't make me feel like buying cars from them. Z-man is still quite new to the job so he was unfamiliar with certain procedures, but I didn't hold it against him, and he was always very friendly and polite. Not that I will make a car purchase again anytime soon, but when I visit the dealership for my servicing, there would be no hesitation in saying hi again to Z-man. If this is some new tactic to sell cars, I say stick with it! My only annoyance was with the finance manager who failed to notify me of his absence, so I was waiting around to receive email/phone replies and finally called the dealership to find out what was up. He might want to update his voicemail or email to an out-of-office message next time. His emails were also not of a professional calibre compared to other email transactions I had with other members of the dealership - no greetings, no email signature, etc.; I hope this can be improved so that all communications are consistently professional. Other than that, the staff are all very friendly and I hope their future customer service will leave me with positive feelings.

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