Published 6 years ago

It's all in the follow up

The buying experience itself was amazing. However the follow up has been awful and very frustrating. It's almost like you got my money and now you don't give two fucks if I'm happy or not.... I paid for auto start and Bluetooth to be added to my vehicle one was installed and the other I know the part is in because I called... I've left TWO voice mails for the service department to book my apt and nothing. I talked to Wayne and he said oh I'm so sorry it's month end and service is busy.... Ok I understand that but a simple phone call saying hey your part is in but were fully booked until such and such a day. Would that work for you would be way better than no communication at all. The other thing is I had to put a $500 downpayment to secure my deal and I was promised to get it back after the deal closed. Well I didn't get it back after a month of owning my vehicle. I missed a mortgage payment and then was bacically called a liar and told that this was a down payment. I got a little agressive with the finance guy and he then magically found the money and mailed it back to me. I know someone sometime is going to read this and I'm not one to air my dirty laundry on social media but if need be I definitely will address this ... Maybe then someone will get back to me about the Install of my blue tooth

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