Published 6 years ago

Shuttle Service Unreliable

I had an appointment for a scheduled oil change. Moncton Honda was informed that a shuttle car would be needed in advance when my vehicle was dropped off at 3:00 pm. However, when I dropped the vehicle off at 3:00 I was told there would not be a shuttle service car available until 4:45 pm. I was also told that they only have one shuttle service car and it cannot be reserved in advance. I understand that. The service employee was very professional and brought this matter to the manager's attention. However, the manager did not offer any assistance. So my question to the manager is this: Do you really think one shuttle service car is enough to accommodate all of your customers? Perhaps you should offer a taxi service like other dealers do when the ONE shuttle service car you do have is not available. Good service and the way you treat your customers will result in happy customers. Happy customers usually result in repeat customers. This is not my first round of bad service with Moncton Honda. It's just the first time I decided to speak up about it. Right now I'm not sure I will be a repeat customer. I'm not expecting a response or an email from you. What I would like is for you to do something about your shuttle service and guarantee your customers a drive within a reasonable time when requested. I see other customers have made the same complaint in the past so this is not something you are unaware of. Very disappointed with the poor customer service.

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