Published 6 years ago

Not impressed

Hi I requested an appointment for our tire pressure is low( I think this is unsafe) and we can’t get an appointment until sometimes in December, they told us to take our car some where’s else, I am not pleased with this service This is the third Honda we have purchased from honda and it takes that long because you guys have too many appointments putting tires on, something is totally wrong with this????? Not please also not pleased from this last Honda I have purchased about the service we got when buying it…….. My sister and i purchased a SUV two days difference and we asked for certain things and this was their first purchase and they seemed to get better service then we did. they got all the rubber mats and we didn't get the back trunk one, they got better hitch then we did, and we had to pay for ours.....they didn't....They were giving excuses on why....I don't think it was appropriate what they said....after all this was the 3rd vehicle we bought. so I thought I would let it go about we can't get service it will take 3 weeks or so to get in?????not impressed.....

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