Published 6 years ago

ZEROs when it comes to "Customer Service"

I took my vehicle in for service …. the service co-ordinator told me to wait in the lounge and he would send the courtesy driver to give me a lift home. The courtesy vehicle appeared and left a couple of times but no-one came into the waiting area and offered a lift. After an hour and a half I was fed up and walked home (45 min walk). On arrival home, I find a message from Wheaton indicating I should call them about my Aveo. When I called the service dept., they denied calling me and suggested that it was likely a salesman who called … sure enough the sales staff wanted to sell me a new car. It is bad enough that they offer me ride home and don't provide it, then while I am sitting in their facility right beside the showroom for an hour and a half, the sales staff can't get off their asses and talk to me there but instead phone my home. Sad!!!

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