Published 5 years ago

Westervelt was the quickest and easiest way to swap careers, and enter this new one at the next level.

I had heard great feedback from past students of Westervelt (formerly Medix), but was still uncertain about how the college would suit my needs. Right from the beginning, I was offered a bunch of information about the programs that I was interested in. I was encouraged to ask questions and visit the campus which helped me to filter through my options and pick the best program for me. With the continual education, you are forced to learn a lot of it on your own, but you always have others in the class as well as your instructor for support. The school has a mandatory externship program that allows you to further develop your skills before you're out there on your own, plus they offer extra classes at a discounted price for anyone (past or present student) wanting to learn something on the side (ex, wound care, intramuscular injections. intro to ECG). I'm glad to know that I'm half way done my externship and the path to what's next is becoming more clear. Overall I've had a very positive experience at the Brantford Campus and would strongly recommend anyone who wants to take a new career path to visit the campus and see what they have to offer.
Jeanette Laird
Thank you so much for your review Dezyree! We really appreciate all your feedback. Together is the only way to get better!
Jeanette Laird
Thank you for your review Dezyree. All your feedback is appreciated. We are so glad to hear you had a positive experience with us! Together is how we get better everyday!

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