Published 5 years ago

Dishonest Sales Propositions Masterminded by Store Manager

Aggressive, rude and dishonest sales propositions pertaining to trade-in. We (I and family) had a terrible experience with Bank Street KIA. Sales guy Kai reached out to me multiple times offering an upgrade on my existing KIA Sorento at "Dealer Invoice" cost. After me telling Kai, multiple times, that our family could not afford an increase in our monthly KIA payment, another sales rep called offering a new Sorento at $100 per month more than what we were currently paying. When I told him no way he (KIA Rep) HUNG UP IN MY EAR WITH MY WIFE AND SMALL CHILDREN LISTENING. My wife's instinct was to lodge a complaint regarding the aggressiveness and rudeness. Ironically, that same salesperson called back within 5 minutes stating the upgrade would be made to happen without cost increases if I would come into the dealership as they considered me a loyal customer. Leary, I took the appointment, went in, and the same storey repeated itself - with the best option significantly higher than what I was already paying. I asked to speak with the manager about this BS (bull shi**) and the manager aggressively throws me out of his store stating, 'I can make a deal at the previously verbally agreed upon price but I won't because I don't like your tone'. OK SIR, for your information, KIA set the tone when you hung up in my ear in front of my family while we were driving on our family vacation (insisting on what we already stated was not possible for us). It's hard to trust an operation that says one thing but does another as part of their business model. We'll, I guess we'll have to take our business elsewhere next time. Beware.

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