Published 5 years ago

Pretty good.

Overall good. Kara is very helpful and communicated clearly what the issues were with my vehicle. Since I use my vehicle for work and work during the day, it's always hard to find an appointment time that works for me. I brought my car in late, but they helped me out big time by taking a look at it anyways. The only downside with my experience was the mechanic said I needed new run channels because they were dirty, and since they weren't covered under the warranty, it would have cost me $600. I avoided having to pay the $600 by taking 5 minutes to clean them myself with a Lysol wipe and they worked much better after that. $600 job done in 5 minutes for free. You guys should hire me as a mechanic! :P But really though, that would have been a huge unnecessary cost for someone who doesn't know their way around a vehicle. Overall solid experience though. Thanks Kara!

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