Published 4 years ago

Total discusted with after purchase service

Congrats to all who just purchased their new vehicles. I purchased a Demo 2020Jeep Gladiator from an amazing sales person who is no longer employed there. Some warranty issues raised as typical and unsurprisingly and the items like; - Leaky Freedom Top - Not corrected - Condensating Tail Light - Not Replaced - Front Drivers side to be repainted (done great by outside body shop) - Rear Right fender to be repainted (done great by outside body shop) - 3M protective tape over rear right fender - Not reinstalled. - Certain high pitch wihinny noise - faught for 1 year subscription to guardian and XM radio -Trim on A Frame pillar not installed properly. Wow what a list. So I was in contact with Don Arsenault Sales Manager to look after this. They kept my truck for two weeks just to find out they had an outside body shop correct the paint issue, but they could not find any issues with the rest of the items to be addressed on my list. I went back to the dealer after a week picking up my truck to speak to the General manager Scot Kirr to his reluctant shrugged his shoulders pass the buck to service and back to Don he wanted nothing to do with correcting the issues. When I went to service to inquire for a date for the3M Tape to be installed he raced after me and accused me of harassing his service advisors and kicked me out from the dealership. Be aware they love your money but after service you are nothing and your future business is not important to them. BE AWARE.

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