Published 4 years ago

Positive and professional interactions with all those involved resulted in a more than satisfactory experience.

I had purchased a paint protection package for my car that wasn’t installed properly to my satisfaction.Sometimes things like this happen and as far as I’m concerned it is how the situation is handled afterwards that matters. The staff at Mark Motors upon hearing about my concerns acted immediately and started the process in getting things right. Although there were some moments of frustration we all worked together to get this done correctly. I felt genuine empathy courtesy and respect from all those involved and this has certainly helped in my perception of the service that I was hoping to get.With only a couple of items left to be completed I feel confident that I will say that I received exceptional customer service.
Robyn Hunter
Hi Max, Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your honesty and we are glad we were able to resolve your concerns immediately. While we always want things to be perfect the first time around, there will be some blips. We are sorry about that but happy to hear that it all worked out. Thank you for sharing and please stay safe! Sincerely; Your Team at Mark Motors Porsche

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