Published 4 years ago


I don't usually write reviews just because someone did their job, but it would be an injustice to Mr. Kassim (Kasey) Elayouti if I didn't give him the accolade he earned. My wife and I recently decided to trade in our Audi Cabrio for a more practical SUV due to my increasing challenges with disability. Dilawri Orleans Mitsubishi had the a car we wanted at a lower cost than anywhere else in Ottawa, so that's where we headed. Mr. Elayouti met us at the door and promptly assisted me to a chair to relieve my discomfort. Not only did Kasey ask what car I wanted to buy, but how much did I expect for my trade-in. That took all of 10 minutes. While we were out for a pleasant 30 minute test drive, Mr. Elayouti and the efficient staff at Dilawri, crunched the numbers until they arrived at the exact deal I wanted. No messing around at Dilawri I tell you. I didn't have to threaten to go elsewhere, nor plead for a better trade in value, Kasey said you got the deal you wanted. Not only did it leave me speechless, it even left my wife of 52 years speechless which is quite an accomplishment.

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