Published 3 years ago

Absolutely AWFUL

I normally do not write reviews but for this I felt I needed to. I was contacted at work by their call center and after answering their questions about my current vehicle and if I had been on time with my payments (which I have been for 2 years) they could help me get into a newer vehicle with lower rates. I know my credit is not the best, but they did a really good job of making it seem like they would be able to help me out. it has now been a month without even a text or reply, nothing, not even an I'm sorry sir we cannot help you out. I find that very disrespectful, ignorant and insulting and I can promise you that everyone I talk to will know how you run your business and treat potential and non potential customers. If you cant make money on the person you wont even waste your time with them either. But that's fine, I will find somewhere else to make my timely payments, and by reading some of these reviews it looks like I may have dodged a bullet anyways.
Anne Kennedy
Sean we are not able to find you in our database, I would appreciate it if you could give us a call back at 519 659 0888 and we will be more than happy to help you with your concerns. Thank you

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