Published 1 year ago

Poor Customer Service

I bought a new Mazada CX-5 with Palladino Mazada, Sudbury in 2020 and have had the worst service ever. They do not call back for appointments, blame the customer for their inadequacies and most times are so busy chatting, and celebrating they forget about the customer. Winter tires were removed and summer tires were installed ( I have both sets on rims). The censor went off, tire pressure so took it into Mazada in April. The technician checked it in the parking lot. This happened again and again, six times to be exact. I asked to have it brought in to do a service check and again I was denied and they said no need. They jacked up my car in the parking lot checked the wheel and found nothing. Today, a week before I had an appointment to change my summer tires to winter ones I went to Mazada. The sensor is lit up again and beeping. This time I demanded that they put it up on the hoist and check it properly. The technician returned within minutes and said he found a small puncture on the other edge of the tread of the tire. Repairing a new tire, cost $350. This could have been solved if they had taken the vehicle into the shop and done a proper assessment. the first time. They even requested that I should have purchased the Summer Service Package as this is a preventative measure. I called and tried to book it in June, but no one returned my calls. so just a word for the wise, find yourself a reputable and honest service center to service your vehicle as Mazada is only about making money and not keeping clients.

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