Published 5 months ago


Guy Robineau but the wrong car on my financing contract and refuses to correct it. The had a lawyer send me 2 letters stating I am right and still will not correct it. They were intimidating, Stashed fish guts in my car and again deny it. We do not eat fish and it never has been fish in my car ever so not me! I hate fish! The car was detailed before I got it. Excuse was Italian was there from previous owner or we don't take seats out to detail! It was not under a seat Italian was in they compartment under 2 floor mats, a door and the hard plastic liner inside completely out of sight! They gave me the wrong car and wanted it back a month later. I had no loan. I told them I had no lian and 3 days later I had a different car because I am HONEST and gave it back! They are disgustingly unprofessional and a place to avoid. Shady business!!

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