112 reviews on ReviewsiiTM
Latest review 10 years ago

Chris Mark

Service Advisor at Murray Chevrolet Winnipeg
Excellent 4.7
Chris joined Murray Chevrolet 3 months ago. Chris has been in the customer service industry for 20+ years. Chris is married with two children. Chris's collection of vintage cars include a 1964 AMC Rambler, 1997 Pontiac Trans Am and 2007 Chevrolet Equinox. In his spare time, Chris enjoys golf, spending time on his cars and especially spending the day with his children.

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Verified Customer
10 years ago

Making things right!!

Chris Mark made every effort too make things right and is continuing to make every effort on his part too get the job done and maintain the customers service standards the Murray Chevrolet works hard at keeping.

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Verified Customer
10 years ago

Very friendly and helpful

Chris is always very professional and follows up all the time. If there are questions or updates we are provided this information in a timely manner. Very accomidating as well.

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