Published Il y a 5 années

Exceptional sales and service experience

For a first time Mazda sales experience, so impressed with the warmth, honesty and professionalism of their entire team. From the friendly receptionist, product sales knowledge of our salesperson Jesse, to the manager and financial specialist, it was a complete wrap around service. Dealing with the often high pressured, slightly misleading experiences in other dealerships over the years and during this sales search, this was completely refreshing. Their cars are gorgeous and an exciting drive as well but the team is what makes the experience!
Morina Anzil
Sue, your feedback puts a smile on our faces knowing that you were impressed with the warmth, honesty, and professionalism of our team! Thank you for your kind words. Congratulations on the purchase of your new vehicle.

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Published Il y a 5 années

Exceptional sales and service experience

For a first time Mazda sales experience, so impressed with the warmth, honesty and professionalism of their entire team. From the friendly receptionist, product sales knowledge of our salesperson Jessie, to the manager and financial specialist, it was a complete wrap around service. Dealing with the often high pressured, slightly misleading experiences in other dealerships over the years and during this sales search, this was completely refreshing. Their cars are gorgeous and an exciting drive as well but the team is what makes the experience!
Morina Anzil
It puts a big smile on our faces to hear that you are so impressed with our entire team! Thank you for sharing your kind words. Congratulations on the purchase of your first Mazda.

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