Published Il y a 2 années

0 stars for this sexist dealership.

If you are a woman and wanting to buy a car or bring your car here to be serviced, stay far away from this place and even farther away from Charles Noseworthy and Paul the sales manager. It blows my mind that we are in the year 2021 and still have grown men taking advantage of females acting like they don’t know what they are doing. I have been constantly talked down on, treated like I am an idiot and yelled at by grown men at this dealership. I was talking into buying a different car that has turned out to be a lemon. I was treated like I knew nothing when things were constantly going wrong on my car. The grown men here like to guilt you and make you feel bad because they are "working" for "free" on your vehicle and doing you a "favour" as if they aren't the licensed mechanics! Buying my car from this dealership was the worst mistake of my life and I wouldn’t trust them working on a hot wheel here. Go ANYWHERE ELSE but this steaming pile of sh*t of a STEALERSHIP.

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