Published Il y a 8 mois

The service I received was excellent considering the nature of the problem.

The problem was when the was not used for approximately 24 or more hours the brake pedal was solid, could not push it, when I went to start the car. The only way I could get it to start was by holding the start button and that didn’t always work. While the car was at the shop I went with the mechanic to explain the issue to him. When he got into the car and went to start it . The brake pedal was solid and the car would not start. This happened twice. The mechanic replaced the battery. The car has always started since. The brake pedal was solid once but the car started ok. I still have wonder why the brake pedal gets solid when the car is not used for more than 24 hours. Please inform me if a solution to the solid brake pedal is found. Thanks.

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